Courtesy of HIP Paris

France, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, world-class education system, and vibrant cities, is an attractive destination for post-graduate students and young professionals from around the globe. Whether you’ve just completed your degree in France or are considering moving there to advance your career, understanding the visa options available to you is crucial. This article outlines the primary visa options for post-grads seeking to stay in France.

1. Temporary Resident Permit for Graduates (APS - Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour)

  • Eligibility: This permit is available to non-EU/EEA students who have obtained a master’s degree or higher from a French institution.
  • Duration: The APS is valid for 12 months and can be extended for an additional 12 months (making it a total of 24 months).
  • Purpose: The APS allows graduates to stay in France to look for employment or to start a business. During this period, graduates are permitted to work in any job (not necessarily related to their field of study) for up to 964 hours per year (part-time).
  • Transition to Long-Term Stay: If the graduate secures a job or starts a business within the APS period that meets the salary and professional level criteria, they can transition to a more permanent status such as a work visa or an entrepreneur visa.

2. Work Visa (Salarié or Travailleur Temporaire)

  • Eligibility: Graduates who have secured a job offer from a French employer. The job must be related to their field of study and meet certain salary requirements.
  • Duration: Typically, the initial visa is valid for up to 12 months and can be renewed. After five years of continuous residence in France, one may apply for a long-term resident permit.
  • Process: The employer must first obtain authorization from the French labor authorities (DIRECCTE). Once this is granted, the graduate can apply for the visa at their local French consulate.

3. Talent Passport (Passeport Talent)

The Talent Passport is designed for highly skilled individuals, including researchers, scientists, artists, and employees of innovative companies. It has several categories, but two are particularly relevant for post-grads:

  1. Talent Passport – Qualified Employee
    • Eligibility: This is for individuals who have a master’s degree or higher and have a job offer with a salary of at least twice the French minimum wage.
    • Duration: Up to four years, renewable.
    • Benefits: Allows family members to join and work in France.
  2. Talent Passport – Recent Graduate
    • Eligibility: Recent graduates with a master’s degree or higher who have a job offer from an innovative company recognized by the French government.
    • Duration: Up to four years, renewable.
    • Benefits: Provides a streamlined process and allows family members to join and work in France.
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4. Entrepreneur Visa (Visa Entrepreneur/Profession Libérale)

  • Eligibility: Graduates who wish to start their own business or work as freelancers in France.
  • Requirements: A solid business plan, sufficient financial resources, and proof that the business will be economically viable.
  • Duration: Typically valid for one year and can be renewed annually.
  • Process: The application involves submitting a detailed business plan to the relevant French authorities, along with evidence of financial resources and other supporting documents.

5. Researcher Visa

  • Eligibility: Graduates who have secured a research position or fellowship in France.
  • Requirements: An invitation or employment contract from a recognized research institution.
  • Duration: Usually valid for the duration of the research contract, up to four years, renewable.
  • Benefits: Allows researchers to bring their family members, who are also permitted to work in France.

6. Long Stay Visitor Visa (Visa de Long Séjour - Visiteur)

  • Eligibility: Graduates who have sufficient financial resources to support themselves without working.
  • Purpose: This visa is suitable for those who wish to stay in France for an extended period to explore career opportunities, pursue additional studies, or enjoy a sabbatical.
  • Duration: Valid for up to one year, renewable.
  • Restrictions: Does not allow the holder to work in France.

Navigating the French visa system can be complex, but it offers numerous opportunities for post-grads to extend their stay and build a life and career in France. Whether you're looking to gain professional experience, start a business, or continue your research, there's likely a visa option that suits your needs. It’s essential to plan ahead, gather all necessary documentation, and stay informed about the latest immigration policies to ensure a smooth transition to life in France.