Animation movie
1863, United States of America. 12-year-old Martha Jane and her family are headed west in a large, covered wagon train in search of a better life. After Martha Jane's father is hurt in a serious accident, she takes charge of her siblings and learns to drive the family wagon. She has never felt so free. Utterly practical and bold, Martha Jane dresses as a boy and becomes increasingly troublesome
Animation movie
1863, United States of America. 12-year-old Martha Jane and her family are headed west in a large, covered wagon train in search of a better life. After Martha Jane's father is hurt in a serious accident, she takes charge of her siblings and learns to drive the family wagon. She has never felt so free. Utterly practical and bold, Martha Jane dresses as a boy and becomes increasingly troublesome
Animation movie
1863, United States of America. 12-year-old Martha Jane and her family are headed west in a large, covered wagon train in search of a better life. After Martha Jane's father is hurt in a serious accident, she takes charge of her siblings and learns to drive the family wagon. She has never felt so free. Utterly practical and bold, Martha Jane dresses as a boy and becomes increasingly troublesome
Animation movie
1863, United States of America. 12-year-old Martha Jane and her family are headed west in a large, covered wagon train in search of a better life. After Martha Jane's father is hurt in a serious accident, she takes charge of her siblings and learns to drive the family wagon. She has never felt so free. Utterly practical and bold, Martha Jane dresses as a boy and becomes increasingly troublesome